Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mirror mirror on the wall…..messages from our inner selves

Those who know me know that I am a firm believer in the quantum physics notion that we are projectors and the world is a screen. The Universe merely reflects back to us what we have projected onto it with our beliefs, hopes, dreams, fears and past experiences. Yes, we are creators of our movies we call our lives. Very often we are amazed by our experiences as they reflect back to us a judgement that is very different from what we thought we believed.

The experiences (reflections) that cause negative emotion are a sign that something needs further investigation and greater awareness and ultimately change…for the better. Gregg Braden, in his outstanding book The Divine Matrix states that “our relationships show us our joys and loves as well as our fears. But because we seldom become ‘stuck’ in joy, purely pleasurable relationships are generally not the triggers for the profound lessons of life.”

It’s in our Relationships that we are given the opportunity to see ourselves in every possible way. And since the majority of our minds are unconscious banks of experiences, our experiences in our relationships give us the opportunity to see what we TRULY believe about ourselves and the world and afford us the ability to make changes. After all we are products of families, communities, cultures, societies etc. that all impose their beliefs on us. Early, this forms the lens through which we see our world and thereby creates our reality.

Remember that we are ALWAYS having a relationship with something or someone, every wakeful moment- whether it be a person, an object, our thoughts or feelings.

To quote Braden who summarizes it so perfectly: “In those interactions, we’ll be shown the true reflection of our core beliefs. The reason? Our mirrors in the world never stop- they’re always working. There’s no escape! And the mirrors never lie.”

In a nutshell: The Universe provides a neutral surface that reflects back to us what we have projected onto it.  It should get you thinking ‘are we recognizing the messages that we’re sending ourselves as the Universe?’

One of the most valuable skills I constantly teach people is to become an observer of their lives, to become aware of the recurring themes that do not bring them joy and then to change them for a better reality creation. Remember that awareness brings choice, choice brings power, power propels change, and change brings JOY.

Live inJOY!

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