Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We all have a wounded child inside…but we all survived childhood….so become your own therapist- heal it and live inJOY! (Part 3)

The next part of healing the inner child is to ask your inner child, your little you, what would make it feel better. Sometimes he/she will give childlike wants and sometimes ‘older’ wants in a child voice- either are good!

Just a few examples of childlike wants: your favourite chocolate or food type, a new computer game, painting, drawing, a craft, dancing freely to music at home, a nap.

Examples of ‘older’ wants: A pottery class, a new book, art lessons, a cell phone accessory, a bubble bath with candles, a massage, a cappuccino etc. etc.

The examples are endless since each person will desire something specific. If for some reason the inner child becomes too demanding or irrational, for example: “I want 5 McFlurrys from McDonalds” or “I want to go home from work NOW” negotiate with the child as a loving, responsible parent would for their own child. Think of how you would have wanted to be treated when you WERE a child.

You might say “We can’t have 5 McFlurrys, but we can have 2 with flakes and we can park the car and go inside and eat them there”. Or, “We can’t go home now, but we can at 4:30, earlier than usual…and when we do..what should we get on the way home?”.

Let your adult part TALK TALK TALK to your little you…it has wanted to be heard and acknowledged FOR YEARS and YEARS and YEARS.

For many people this may be the first time they (their child part) has actually received something FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING….FOR JUST BEING….not for being good or quiet or getting good marks or for helping or tidying up or finishing all the vegetables or for being able to understand quantum physics by Grade 1 …NOTHING, NADA…other than just exisintg!

Hence the ONLY true statements about worthiness are:

“I am enough because I exist”
“I am worthy of the life I say I want BECAUSE I EXIST”
“I am worthy of a happy, healthy, prosperous, loving life BECAUSE I EXIST’


We are all a product, to some degree or other, of a lineage where you had to do or be something in order to be worthy of receiving something nice. We know our parents and grandparents meant well and loved us (in their own way), but they too were ‘programmed’ by their parents etc. etc. So we have generations of erroneous beliefs to change. The good news is that you can change generations of beliefs in a matter of days- YAY!

Once you have agreed to do something or get something for your inner child make sure you DO SO. Many children were temporarily pacified by being promised things that never materialized- goodbye trust and hello depression! This is a very valuable exercise in building inner trust and healthy excitement.

Be good to yourself! By the universal law of attraction, if you respect yourself and treat yourself well, your outside reality HAS to follow suit in time- IT IS LAW!

You cannot attract a vibration that does not exist in you or conversely you can only attract a vibration that meets the same one in you (usually a belief).

C’mon, I dare you to live inJOY!

Live inJOY!

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