Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Inside Story - Your emotions are your guidance system

Your emotions are your guidance system. Learn to trust them more and listen to them! There are only two kinds of experiences- ones that make you feel GOOD and ones that make you feel BAD. We humans call them by many different names; joy, hope, excitement, happiness, love….anxiety, despair, sadness, doubt, anger- but these are only examples of the two states: POSITIVE and NEGATIVE.

If an experience makes you FEEL truly good, do more of it! If an experience makes you feel NEGATIVE it is a guidance from inner being that something you are involved in needs closer attention and observation and is not in alignment with what you really want for yourself. It is a sign that something needs to change in your life. Don’t overcomplicate things….it is that simple! Become an observer of your life- not a critic. See every experience as an opportunity for expansion.

Make some changes. Live in what feels good….live inJOY!

For further assistance e-mail: injoy.sa@gmail.com

Live inJOY!

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